TRAINING (2.4.1)
Mitglied der SCNAT

Der Dachverband der Schweizer Geografinnen und Geografen hat zum Ziel, Wissenschaft, Lehre und Praxis zu vernetzen, den Dialog zwischen den Regionen und Sprachen der Schweiz zu fördern und sich bei aktuellen sozio-politischen Debatten einzubringen.mehr

Bild: elen31, stock.adobe.commehr

Swiss Geoscience Meeting

Swiss Geoscience Meeting

ASG is coordinating the human geography presence at the annual Swiss Geoscience Meetings.

There is the Swiss Human Geographies Lecture and a total of three parallel, one-day symposia dedicated to human geography:

1) Human Geographies: Bodies, Cultures, Societies
2) Human Geographies: Cities, Regions, Economies
3) Human Geographies: Materials, Natures, Politics

All geographers, and those with an affinity for the discipline, are invited to contribute.

There are two major deadlines for contributors:

- 31 May: deadline for proposals of thematic panels (e.g. paper sessions, podium discussion) within one of the above symposia
- 31 August: deadline for submission of presentations (via the form on the SGM website)

If you want to be kept up to date regarding opportunities to contribute, subscribe to by writing to

For further information, contact Sven Daniel Wolfe (see below).

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Sven Daniel Wolfe
Vice-President of the ASG